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    • Lakes

A gastronomic tour of Lake Iseo

Lake Iseo is rich in nature, history, culture, and unique flavours. Start your taste adventure here.

Between the hills of Franciacorta and the mountains of the Val Camonica, there lies a fertile land for gourmets and cooking enthusiasts. 

We are talking about Lake Iseo, a beautiful natural gem set between the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo, surrounded by lakeside destinations and culinary specialities just waiting to be discovered.

With a pinch of history, a handful of adventure, and a generous splash of curiosity, you can discover the typical products of this area, rooted in "cucina povera" (peasant cooking). Created using authentic and high-quality ingredients, these dishes have been brought up to date without breaking with local gastronomic traditions.  

This tour is created for anyone who is hungry for a taste of something new, giving you a chance to spend a relaxing day exploring the lake and its small villages, without neglecting the tastiest part of any trip: good food.

So, what's on offer at Lake Iseo? Let's dive in!

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