Food & Wine

Risotto with smoked sardines, perch, or coffee. A trademark dish reworked and mastered through infinite variations represents just one of the culinary highlights in the region.



Flavors on the lakes: Como and Varese

Lakes and mountains. Tasty dishes, heritage of rural culture
  • Food & Wine
Flavors on the lakes: Como and Varese

Discover the flavors of Valtellina

Leafy woods and thermal waters. Alpine pastures that offer great cheeses, meats and full-bodied wines
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A caccia di sapori in Valtellina

Eating in Val Sabbia

The authentic taste of Val Sabbian cuisine
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Spiedo bresciano

Oltrepò Pavese, le Vie del Gusto

The tranquil Oltrepò is the home of 36 DOC-certified wines, which accompany a traditional cuisine with its roots in Italy’s remote history
  • Food & Wine
Salame di Varzi

Rassegna Gastronomica del Lodigiano

The flavours of tradition
  • Food & Wine
Rassegna Gastronomica del Lodigiano

Milan, capital of taste

From the skyscrapers to the fields of crops. Milan is a city of thousand cultures and its surrounding area a land of a thousand flavours
  • Food & Wine
Milan, capital of taste

Bergamo, hunting for flavors

Valleys of extraordinary beauty, like the city that looks at them from the walls. Wines, cheeses, pasta.
  • Food & Wine
Bergamo, hunting for flavors

Eating in Lodi: starters to dessert

From cheese to amaretto biscuits, here's all you need to know to indulge in some delicious Lodi specialities
  • Food & Wine

What to eat in Cremona and the surrounding area

Typical dishes you should try in the Cremona area
  • Food & Wine
Cosa mangiare a Cremona e dintorni


Lake Garda’s limonaie

On Lake Garda to discover the ancient lemon groves between Limone del Garda and Toscolano. A taste of the Mediterranean, in Lombardy
  • Food & Wine
Lemons of Lake Garda

Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses

In Valtellina, the king of mountain cheeses, Bitto is told in many ways. Guide to dairies (and cellars) not to be missed
  • Food & Wine
Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses

Milan, the Culture of flavours

  • Food & Wine
Pigeon skewer according to Enrico Bartolini

Franciacorta, outstanding food shops

  • Food & Wine
Norceria Polastri, Torbiato


Cena sotto le stelle

area Via del Fontanile all'interno del Parco di Montevecchia, 23874, Montevecchia, LC.
  • Food & Wine
Cena sotto le stelle

Agoni in contrada, XX edizione

Via Manzoni, 23822, Bellano, LC.
  • Food & Wine
Agoni in contrada, XX edizione

Motor street food

Piazza del Mercato, 23826, Mandello del Lario, LC
19/07/2024 - 21/07/2024
  • Food & Wine
Motor street food

The pizzocchero weekend - Montemezzo

Località Montagnola
Loc. Montagnola, 22010, Montemezzo (CO)
20/07/2024 - 21/07/2024
  • Food & Wine
The pizzocchero weekend - Montemezzo

Art, wine and violin - Vercana

Chiesa di San Sebastiano
Chiesa di San Sebastiano, Via Caino, 22013, Vercana (CO)
  • Food & Wine
Art, wine and violin - Vercana

Festa del goloso

23805, Erve, LC.
  • Food & Wine
Festa del goloso

Rolling truck street food in Dongo

Lungolago, Via G. B. Landi, 22014, Dongo (CO)
26/07/2024 - 28/07/2024
  • Food & Wine
Rolling truck street food in Dongo

Hop Hop street food

Barzio (LC)
28/07/2024 - 30/07/2024
  • Food & Wine
Hop Hop street food

Street Food Festival

Piazza Mercato, 23816, Barzio, LC.
02/08/2024 - 04/08/2024
  • Food & Wine
Street Food Festival

78th parade of illuminated boats and fireworks display

Viale Umberto I, 22015, Gravedona ed Uniti (CO)
14/08/2024 - 15/08/2024
  • Food & Wine
78th parade of illuminated boats and fireworks display

In bocca al luppolo

Palalegnone, 23823, Colico, LC
23/08/2024 - 24/08/2024
  • Food & Wine
In bocca al luppolo

Ruota panoramica

area Monumento ai Caduti
Riva Martiri delle Foibe, 23900, Lecco, LC
17/05/2024 - 01/09/2024
  • Food & Wine
Ruota panoramica


Cook with us - Lake Como

  • Food & Wine
Cook with us - Lake Como

Valchiavenna SightEating tour

  • Food & Wine
Valchiavenna SightEating tour

Heli-Wine & Taste Tour

  • Food & Wine
Heli-Wine & Taste Tour

Italian cooking class

  • Food & Wine
Italian cooking class

Como Food Tour

  • Food & Wine
Como Food Tour

Food & Wine Tour of Como and Lecco

  • Food & Wine
Food & Wine Tour of Como and Lecco

The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Classic Experience

  • Food & Wine
The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Classic Experience

The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Blind Test Experience

  • Food & Wine
The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Blind Test Experience

Fashion and Food in Milan

  • Food & Wine
Fashion and Food in Milan

The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Cooking Class Experience

  • Food & Wine
The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Cooking Class Experience

The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Gourmet Experience

  • Food & Wine
The secrets of Valsassina cheeses: Gourmet Experience