• Food & Wine

Receipts of Cremona's tradition

Tasty news from the Museum of folk Culture “Cambonino”

In Cremona we have several famous traditional courses but the ingredients used to prepare them are only few, and they are generally leftover. The names of theses courses are often so unusual that it is difficult to forget them.

This week we are going to discover together the receipt of the famous “Torta Türünina" (Nougat Cake).
The Christmas season is over but in our kitchens there are still several products that we do not want to waste like, for example, the nougat, the symbol of Cremona.
The receipt:
mix 125 gr. of sugar with 130gr. of butter. Then add 2 eggs, two yolks and 125 gr. of flour 0. Then add 60 gr. of nougat and one packet of vanilla yeast. Once you have put it in the oven for 40 minutes it is necessary to leave it to cool and then decorate it as you want. We recommend to cover it with some honey, some icing sugar and the rest of the smashed nougat.


Take me here: Receipts of Cremona's tradition

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