• Food & Wine

Brasadè di Staghiglione

Il Brasadè, ciambelline d’origine ottocentesca

Every year at Easter in Staghiglione, a Borgo Priolo village, the Brasadè Festival takes place to celebrate these nineteenth century origin ring cakes made with flour, sugar, butter and lard, first plunged into boiling water and then baked until golden in a wood oven, Brasadè are sold in necklaces according to tradition. Each necklace is made up of eleven ring cakes joined together with a cotton cord through their centre holes. This packaging system has remained the same for decades - five ring cakes are tied on with the flat side facing one direction and the other five with the flat sides facing in the opposite direction. The eleventh ring cake is used as a block and the two ends of the necklace are tied to it. Necklaces made in this way are hung on the opposing ends of the 'block' ring cake so that the flat sides of the cakes all face downwards. Production zone: Borgo Priolo, Staghiglione village

Take me here: Brasadè di Staghiglione

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