• Food & Wine

Salame d’Oca Ecumenico

Il Salame d’oca di Mortara Igp è prodotto d’eccellenza della tradizione gastronomica della Lomellina

Gourmet culinary product from Lomellina in Pavia province, Mortara IGP goose salame is made from recipes which vary locally because those making it jealously guard the ingredients they use. It is made into a salame using goose skin because the regulations ban the use of artificial casings and it must also be sewn up by hand. Elongated cylinder in shape, salame d'oca, an attractive crimson colour, is 30-40 cm long, 7-8 centimetres in diameter and weighs from 600 to 900 grams. The name Ecumenico derives from the fact that it could be eaten by the followers of the three monotheist religions - Jews, Muslims and Christians. It is made exclusively with lean goose meat hand cut and stuffed into goose neck casing by hand together with natural flavours, salt and pepper.

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