• Food & Wine

Cremona and the project EastLombardy

EAST LOMBARDY is the brand of the Eastern Lombardy Region of Gastronomy, a project which includes Bergamo, Brescia Cremona and Mantua.
The brand EAST Lombardy represents a group of restaurants' owners who are committed to find the best ingredients to offer their clients a unique experience, with a unique attention to the choice and identification of the Eastern Lombardy's producers (Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona and Mantua) who made of sustainability, biodiversity and quality a life-style.
It is the know-how which characterizes the producers and the restaurant-owners of the project EAST Lombardy. It is the capacity of the food experts who can always offer better, healthy and sustainable products in the respect of the land and of the life-condition of the animals. And it is the same capacity of the chefs who can transform those products in new tasting experiences which can make of Eastern Lombardy a gastronomic region able to compete with the entire world.  
The use of unique products and typical receipts is the base of EAST Lombardy's project. We want to suggest some tasting experiences which can create a real food culture.
Exhibiting the brand Ea(s)t Lombardy, the participants to the project communicate and reaffirm that they faithfully respect these principles. 


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