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The wine and tastes route

A fascinating route, that leads you to the discovery of the Nebbiolo delle Alpi

The Wine and tastes route of Valtellina is a fascinating 67 km itinerary that crosses the terraced vineyards where the Nebbiolo delle Alpi is produced. It is a vehicle accessible route, easy to follow thanks to the road signs, that links Ardenno to Tirano. The wine route winds across old boroughs, sanctuaries surrounded by nature and remains of ancient castles. Here you can spend a night in an agriturismo, a b&b or a hotel nestled among the vineyards, lulled by the silence of the Alps. 

Along the road, several cellars offer guided tours and wine tastings, restaurants propose typical dishes made with locally produced ingredients accompanied by exquisite Valtellinese wines.

You'll find this and much more along the VALTELLINA WINE ROAD, a route worth discovering!


Strada del Vino e dei Sapori della Valtellina
+39 0342-200871

Original text and photos: https://www.stradadelvinovaltellina.it/


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