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Wine and Flavor Trail Oltrepò Pavese

The Wine and Flavor Trail of Oltrepò Pavese: is one of Lombardy's most pleasant and welcoming culinary itineraries. Both gourmands and travel enthusiasts will appreciate its ancient traditions and relaxing landscapes.


Start in Voghera, the heart of such a bountiful land that spreads along the southern part of the Po river below Pavia until reaching Liguria and bordering east with Piedmont as well. 

From plains to the hillside, a varied terrain with a mostly ventilated, mild weather. It is ideal for planting vineyards in a 16000 acres surface. Amid the wines that are produced here, try the Oltrepò Metodo Classico DOCG, the Cruasè and the Oltrepò Pavese DOC in its many variations (Bonarda, Barbera, Sangue di Giuda and Pinot Noir, making it the first of its kind in Italy).

Where can you savor them? Most likely in Casteggio, famous for its wine cellars and the Collegiate Church of San Pietro Martire. This location hosts OltreVini every september, an event that marries wine with local flavors. 

This trail can be easily traveled from both Milan and Genoa while admiring some of the most beautiful boroughs in the country. For instance, go to Broni, which shows its medieval history through its streets, Stradella wirh its harmonica museum (music is in fact highly regarded in this zone), then Zavattarello in the south, with its stone castle towering over the neighboring countryside, Fortunago and Varzi, are famous for a type of salami that pairs perfectly with a good glass of wine.

Do not miss the opportunity to admire the zone's castles, they will take you to feudal times while leaving a mark in the local scenery. Do not miss the landmarks of Nazzano, Montalto Pavese and Oramala.

Whoever seeks quiet and wellness can head to the thermal baths of Salice Terme. Its beneficial waters will reinvigorate those who wish to relax.  

The Wine and Flavor Trail of Oltrepò Pavese encompasses 78 municipalities and is 60 kilometers long. A concentration of flavors and authenticity. Try renowned products like the cotechino and coppa, Formagella cheese from Menconico, sweet breadsticks, several types of risotto and polenta. Satisfaction is guaranteed! 

Take me here: Wine and Flavor Trail Oltrepò Pavese

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