• Cycle Tourism

The Valtellina trail

Selvetta, Colorina, Fusine, Cedrasco, Caiolo, Albosaggia, Sondrio, Faedo, Piateda, Ponte, Castello Dell’Acqua

The Sentiero Valtellina is a pedestrian and cycle path that runs alongside the River Adda from Colico and Bormio, covering total distance of 114 km. This trail has numerous stopping points with facilities and nearby holiday farmhouses for eating options. Bikes can be picked up at one of the “Rent a Bike” points and handed in at any of the others. The stretch that goes from Sondrio (from Forcola to Castello dell’Acqua) is on the level, apart from a short steep climb in Castello dell’Acqua. The route goes through many characteristic places close to the main town, including the Castellina Park and the Bordighi Nature Oases. There are also eating places and a “Rent a Bike” point in Albosaggia at the white Sozzani bridge. Holiday farmhouses can also be found close to the trail.


(texts and technical data by Federico Pollini)

Departure / return place: Selvetta Forcola 270m

Arrival place / maximum quota: San Giacomo Teglio 360m

Total gradient slopes: 110m

Total gradient descents: 35m

Slopes’ total length : 2,5 km

Descents’ total length: 1km

Plain total length : 26,7 km

Total kilometers: 30,2 km

Slopes’ middle inclination: 4 %

Slopes’ maximum inclination: 13 %

Time taken: 2-3 h

Difficulty: easy

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