• Cycle Tourism
    • Active & Green

It's September, so let's get pedalling!

After the intense heat of summer, a milder season is upon us. The sun, now pleasantly warm, enhances the mature colours of Lombardy, its plains, its mountains, its hills, as well as its woodland and lakeside routes for you to tackle and appreciate to the full on two wheels.


Bike touring in Lombardy is easy and accessible to everyone: the young and the not-so-young, families with children, beginners and experts. Are you ready to discover the beauty of our region in the saddle, whether you're riding a classic, sports or electric bike? 


Touring Lombardy on two wheels

Lombardy is full of cycle routes and trails across plains and in the mountains, for you to enjoy either the gentlest of cycling holidays, along safe. well-maintained paths, or tackling more daring, adrenaline-fuelled trails, on mountain bikes designed to withstand long cycle rides, with climbs and dunes, downhill races…

If what you're aiming for is to travel around on two wheels, at your own pace, that's more sustainable than sustained, to stop and take in the beauty of Lombardy and its heritage, then you'll be pleased to know that four new routes in the region will soon be included in the national cycle path network within the forthcoming General Plan for Cycle Mobility.


The 7 cycle routes in Lombardy

Soon to be added to the Lombardy cycle routes currently included in the national network of cycle touring routes - Vento, Sole and Garda - will be the Lago Maggiore cycle route (between Lombardy, Piedmont and Switzerland, with 100 km of this route crossing our region); the Alpine cycle route (from the province of  Brescia to Trento, with 70 km in Lombardy); the Milano-Monaco cycle route (crossing Lombardy for 200 km) and the Anello Iseo cycle route (80 km around the lake).

These routes cross stunning landscapes, steeped in culture and tradition, taking you along minor roads without much traffic and with signage for international cycle touring. Not all of these charming routes are fully connected as yet and you are advised to always set off well informed.

So if you want to play it safe on your next cycling trip or holiday, here are some recommended itineraries. And here you can find almost 1,500 cycle routes to explore in Lombardy, in order of province.

The Greenway cycle route in the Brescia Prealps

A large circuit of cycle trails, the Greenway Valli Resilienti allows you to discover the wonderful landscapes of the Valle Trompia and Valle Sabbia. Over 90 trails, divided into categories and levels of difficulty: cycle routes for slow bikes (cycle trails and dedicated roads from the centre of Brescia to both valleys), for mountain bikes, and for road bikes (roads between inner valleys, lakes and villages) with different levels of difficulty. For cycle touring enthusiasts, two long tours: Brescia-Bovegno and Brescia-Vestone (40 and 49 km) and 20 tourist facility options, offering bike hire, repair and assistance.


From Milan to Lecco: the waterway by bike

A “classic” itinerary, the Milan to Lecco cycle route (75 km) follows the Naviglio Martesana canal as far as Cassano D’Adda on a surfaced cycle path, passing through Vimodrone, Cernusco and Gorgonzola. If you're fit enough, you can continue along the river Adda as far as Lecco, on a path with a clay surface, where you can see the old hydroelectric power plant, the iron bridge at Paderno and the Leonardo ferryboat at Imbersago.


Lake view: the cycle and walking path around Lake Varese

This route, for both adults and little ones, is flat and almost entirely on the cycle path, easy to tackle in stages, to suit your ability. The Varese cycle and walking path runs around the lake, offering views of the shore, the parks and the surrounding woodland of the Prealps. There are plenty of drinking fountains along the 28 km route to cool you down.


From Mantova to Peschiera del Garda, immersed in nature

This route is ideal for nature lovers. The Mantova-Peschiera del Garda cycle and walking path runs for around 40 km inside the Parco del Mincio, taking you along the towpaths of the river. Completely surfaced, it's suitable for everyone. Stopping at the Bosco Foresta Fontana Biogenetic Nature Reserve is a must. Here's the map.


A most unusual cycle route, in Val Brembana

The Valle Brembana cycle and walking route goes up the Bergamo valley, along part of the charming disused railway line. It runs from Zogno to Piazza Brembana, for a shaded distance of around 30 km, with a slight slope. Original crossings, the illuminated tunnels dug out of the rock, the 110-metre bridge and the exit from the last tunnel, at the old railway station at the end of the line. 

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MTB-Berbenno, Alpe Caldenno

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Chiesa in Valmalenco, Val Rosera, sterrata lungo il torrente Mallero, Sabbionaccio, Sevenedo Inferiore, Chiareggio, Alpe dell’Oro - ritorno a Chiesa in Valmalenco
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