• Cycle Tourism

MTB-Fusine, Valmadre

Fusine, La Madonnina, Casa Borghetti, Dosso di Sopra, Valmadre, Le Tecce, Baita Forni, Casera Dordona, Passo Dordona - ritorno a Fusine

Medium/high pedal assist will be needed due to length and steepness of the path, especially on the rough second part, so a spare battery is a must. Both factors can be decreased by driving to Valmadre (with permits issued in Fusine). The first uphill part is all tarmacked, with lots of hairpins through the woods and a steep average gradient. It leads to the village of Valmadre at 1180 m asl. From here, a rough track dips into the depths of the valley, with easier climbs for a while. The twelfth kilometre marks the beginning of the hard climb with hairpins and ramps up the righthand slope: the terrain gets looser and stonier. Before the last diagonal to the left, which brings you to the pass, you go through Casera Dordona, which has a welcoming mountain refuge. Beyond the pass, a rough track drops to Foppolo and the province of Bergamo.

(texts and technical data by Federico Pollini)

Departure / return place: Fusine 285 m

Arrival place / maximum quota: Passo Dordona 2060 m

Total gradient slopes: 1775 m

Total gradient descents: 1775 m

Slopes’ total length : 20,4 km

Descents’ total length : 20,4 km

Plain total length : 0 km

Total kilometers: 40,8 km

Slopes’ middle inclination: 9 %

Slopes’ maximum inclination: 13%

Time taken: 4-5 h

Difficulty: difficult

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