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Flavours of the Oltrepò Pavese: Autumnal weekends away within a stone’s throw of Milan

The season of carved pumpkins and roasted chestnuts, of warm-coloured skies and good red wines, and of plunging temperatures and dusting off cosy winter blankets: during autumn we need a jolt of motivation to help us overcome the sluggishness that the change to a colder season brings and to tempt us away from weekends spent tucked away indoors in our pyjamas and warm slippers.


What better incentive is there to get out and about this autumn than the villages of the Oltrepò Pavese, with their unique offering of authenticity, tradition and delightful hidden treasures. 
A slice of the region roughly 90 minutes from Milan, the Oltrepò Pavese offers plenty to explore in amongst its hills and mountain peaks where, in addition tothe historic, architectural and scenic gems it has to offer, a wealth of delicious wine and food awaits you as the ultimate way to tempt you to a region that only more and more welcoming and generous as autumn comes in.
Join us on a journey through the flavours of the Oltrepò Pavese: from the malfatti of Fortunago to the cured game of Zavattarello, from Pinot di Golferenzo to ravioli di brasato from Varzi. Savour the delicacies of these stone villages, where the tastes and pace of life feel like they are suspended in time.    

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