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The Sequoia of Villa Baragiola

In a visually stunning landscape, the giant Sequoia of Villa Baragiola stands imposingly tall.
  • Art & Culture
The Sequoia of Villa Baragiola
1.2 km

Castello Castiglioni Mantegazza

  • Art & Culture
Castello Castiglioni Mantegazza
1.48 km

Golf Club Varese

Golf Club Varese offers incomparably beautiful views that embrace Monte Rosa, the Maggiore, Varese and Monate lakes.
  • Golf
Golf Club Varese, Luvinate (VA)
1.51 km

Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

  • Art & Culture
Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
1.67 km

Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Art & Culture
Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
1.67 km

The Beech of Masnago Castle

With its purple leaves and size, the large red beech embellishes the atmospheric Mantegazza Park.
  • Art & Culture
The Beech of Masnago Castle
1.82 km

Chapel Fourteen - The Assumption of Mary

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Fourteen - The Assumption of Mary
1.93 km

Chapel Thirteen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Thirteen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
1.93 km

Chapel 12: the Ascension of Christ

  • Art & Culture
Chapel 12: the Ascension of Christ
1.93 km

Chapel Eleven - The Resurrection

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Eleven - The Resurrection
1.93 km

Chapel Ten - The Crucifixion

The Chapel of the Crucifixion, a masterpiece of art and faith on the Sacro Monte di Varese.
  • Art & Culture
Chapel Ten - The Crucifixion
1.93 km

Chapel Nine - Jesus Climbs the Calvary

  • Art & Culture
 Chapel Nine - Jesus Climbs the Calvary
1.93 km

Chapel Eight - The Crowning with the Thorns

  • Art & Culture
 Chapel Eight - The Crowning with the Thorns
1.93 km

Chapel Seven - The Scourging at the Pillar

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Seven - The Scourging at the Pillar
1.93 km

Chapel Six - Jesus Praying in the Garden

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Six - Jesus Praying in the Garden
1.93 km

Chapel Five – The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Five  – The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
1.93 km

Chapel Four – Presentation at the Temple

  • Art & Culture
 Chapel Four – Presentation at the Temple
1.93 km

Chapel Three - Nativity

The Third Chapel of the Sacro Monte di Varese: the grandeur of the Nativity and the 20th-century restoration.
  • Art & Culture
Chapel Three  - Nativity
1.93 km

Chapel Two - Visitation

The Visitation to Saint Elizabeth in the Second Chapel of the Sacro Monte di Varese: a meeting of two mothers.
  • Art & Culture
Chapel Two - Visitation
1.93 km

Chapel One - Annunciation

The Annunciation to Mary, the simple beauty of the First Chapel of the Sacro Monte di Varese.
  • Art & Culture
Chapel One - Annunciation
1.93 km