La Corte dei Brut Località Groppello


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Phone: 3452577078





Varese Lake

The hidden gem in Lombardy to explore
  • Lakes
Varese Lake
1.06 km

Lago di Varese

Liberty villas, gardens on the lake, itineraries in the woods. And an islet with stilts from the Neolithic. Discover the Lake of Varese
  • Lakes
Lago di Varese
1.15 km

Prehistoric Alpine Stilt Houses

  • Unesco Sites
Palafitte Arco Alpino
2.27 km

Prehistoric Alpine Stilt Houses

  • Unesco Sites
Siti palafitticoli preistorici dell'arco Alpino
2.43 km

Golf Club Varese

Golf Club Varese offers incomparably beautiful views that embrace Monte Rosa, the Maggiore, Varese and Monate lakes.
  • Golf
Golf Club Varese, Luvinate (VA)
2.53 km

Lake Varese: the cycling route and footpath

  • Lakes
Lake Varese: the cycling route and footpath
3.63 km

The Sequoia of Villa Baragiola

In a visually stunning landscape, the giant Sequoia of Villa Baragiola stands imposingly tall.
  • Art & Culture
The Sequoia of Villa Baragiola
4.26 km

Castello Castiglioni Mantegazza

  • Art & Culture
Castello Castiglioni Mantegazza
4.42 km

Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

  • Art & Culture
Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
4.6 km

Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Art & Culture
Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
4.6 km

The Beech of Masnago Castle

With its purple leaves and size, the large red beech embellishes the atmospheric Mantegazza Park.
  • Art & Culture
The Beech of Masnago Castle
4.68 km

From Varese to Campo dei Fiori

Segregated bike lanes, fishing villages and historic parks. On the roads of a memorable edition of the Road World Cycling Championships
  • Cycle Tourism
The Basilica of San Vittore in Varese
4.85 km

Chapel Fourteen - The Assumption of Mary

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Fourteen - The Assumption of Mary
5.08 km

Chapel Thirteen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Thirteen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
5.08 km

Chapel 12: the Ascension of Christ

  • Art & Culture
Chapel 12: the Ascension of Christ
5.08 km

Chapel Eleven - The Resurrection

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Eleven - The Resurrection
5.08 km

Chapel Ten - The Crucifixion

The Chapel of the Crucifixion, a masterpiece of art and faith on the Sacro Monte di Varese.
  • Art & Culture
Chapel Ten - The Crucifixion
5.08 km

Chapel Nine - Jesus Climbs the Calvary

  • Art & Culture
 Chapel Nine - Jesus Climbs the Calvary
5.08 km

Chapel Eight - The Crowning with the Thorns

  • Art & Culture
 Chapel Eight - The Crowning with the Thorns
5.08 km

Chapel Seven - The Scourging at the Pillar

  • Art & Culture
Chapel Seven - The Scourging at the Pillar
5.08 km