Foresteria lombarda CASA GENNY


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 0346 22122




  • Giardino
  • Parcheggio/garage
  • Senza barriere architettoniche


Terme di Trescore

A silent valley and its healthy sulphur water with body healing and regenerative properties
  • Wellness
Terme di Trescore
2.43 km

Villa Tassis

  • Art & Culture
Villa Tassis
5.77 km

Grumello Castle

It is a rare example of “castello gemino” or twin castle, composed of two similar buildings enclosed by the same walls
  • Art & Culture
Castello di Grumello
5.86 km

Malpaga Castle

The Malpaga Castle is located in Cavernago, a small town within the Serio Nature Reserve.
  • Art & Culture
Malpaga Castle
7.22 km

Villa Ambiveri

Villa Ambiveri, a Baroque architectural gem in Seriate, is now home to the spiritual centre of the Russia Cristiana Association.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Ambiveri
7.81 km

Villa Piccinelli

Splendid Neoclassical villa, known for hosting the first experiments for the production of artificial cement in Italy.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Piccinelli
7.98 km

Villa Guerrinoni

From farmhouse to municipal library, the splendid Villa Guerrinoni in Seriate has been part of history since 1800.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Guerrinoni
8.3 km

Parco del Castagno

  • Active & Green
Parco del Castagno (Ph: I Mille)
8.38 km

Parco dei Taxodi

  • Parks
Parco dei Taxodi
10.44 km


Rediscover the pleasure of a relaxing and exploratory stroll among the Art Nouveau villas and medieval palaces
  • Villages
Ph I Mille
10.56 km

Val Seriana, from Ranica to Clusone

  • Cycle Tourism
Albino Bridge of medieval origins
10.79 km


The Village of Sarnico, in the province of Bergamo, still retains a medieval semi-circular structure
  • Villages
10.94 km

Villa Grismondi Finardi

  • Art & Culture
Villa Grismondi Finardi
11.22 km

Big Bench #97

  • Active & Green
Ph: I Mille
11.56 km

Duomo of Bergamo

Main catholic place of worship of the city, it is dedicated to Sant'Alessandro patron of Bergamo and is located in Città Alta
  • Religious Tourism
Duomo of Bergamo
11.57 km


With 1500 square meters of exhibition space, the Gallery gives space to contemporary art in all its forms
  • Art & Culture
11.79 km

Carrara Academy

1,800 works, five centuries of Italian art, from Raphael to Baschenis, in one of the most visited museums in Italy
  • Art & Culture
Accademia Carrara Bergamo
11.82 km

Palazzo Agliardi

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Agliardi
11.96 km

Donizetti Theater

It covers an area of 3200 square meters for a total of 1154 places. For the harmony of sound it is considered among the best in Italy
  • Art & Culture
Donizetti Theater
11.99 km

Chiostro di Sant'Agostino

A space for dialogue and meeting in an artistic and spiritual setting
  • Art & Culture
Chiostro di Sant'Agostino, Bergamo
12.13 km