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Palazzo Martinengo

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Martinengo
64 mt

The Capitolium and the Roman Forum

  • Unesco Sites
The Capitolium and the Roman Forum
122 mt

The Republican Sanctuary

  • Art & Culture
The Republican Sanctuary
122 mt

Lombards in Italy Places of Power

  • Unesco Sites
Longobardi in Italia luoghi del potere
136 mt

The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Queriniana Library and the Bishop's Palace
150 mt

Piazza del Foro

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Foro
173 mt

The Broletto Palace

  • Art & Culture
The Broletto Palace
189 mt

Roman Basilica

  • Art & Culture
Roman Basilica
216 mt

Angelo Maria Querini

  • Art & Culture
Angelo Maria Querini
251 mt

The Old Cathedral

  • Art & Culture
The Old Cathedral
251 mt

Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)

  • Art & Culture
Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)
251 mt

The Arcade and the Clock Tower

  • Art & Culture
The Arcade and the Clock Tower
257 mt

Museo Diocesano

  • Art & Culture
Museo Diocesano
309 mt

Piazza della Loggia

With the Clock Tower, the arcades and its Renaissance architecture, Piazza della Loggia is one of the landmarks of Brescia
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Loggia Brescia
311 mt

Lake fish

  • Lakes
Lake fish
321 mt

La Lodoìga

  • Art & Culture
La Lodoìga
327 mt

The Palace of the Loggia

  • Art & Culture
The Palace of the Loggia
327 mt

Brescia Castle

Occupying the whole top of the Cidneo hill, Brescia Castle il the star of the city's skyline, visible from every angle.
  • Art & Culture
Brescia Castle
333 mt

Monumenti funerari da via Mantova

  • Art & Culture
Monumenti funerari da via Mantova
338 mt

San Salvatore

  • Art & Culture
San Salvatore
338 mt