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    • Cycle Tourism
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The project "Beega"

Cremona’s Bycicle Touring

Cremona’s Bycicle Touring
Cremona has a new proposal of bicycle touring for those who live this kind of activity and want something more than the usual tour along the Po river.
The project involves different stakeholders: Consorzio InCremona (Nobile Travel Agency and CrArT), Cosper Cooperative, La Gare Des Gars; Nazareth cooperative (manager of the camping area at the Po Park), in cooperation with other technical experts and the digital agency Dueper Studio.
Beega proposes different tours to discover the town and the surrounding area, in cooperation with some local farms, restaurants and handicraft men which will enrich the proposals.  
The tours (18 at the moment, more than 600 km) will all start form Cremona and they will follow the bike-lanes and the secondary roads (also children can participate).

The events will be promoted step by step.
For further information: www.beega.it; mail: tour@beega.it

Take me here: The project "Beega"

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