• Kunst und kultur
    • Leonardo

A day at the National Museum Leonardo da Vinci

Enter one of the most historically-significant places in the heart of Milan on a trip from the past to the present and on into the future.

Opened in 1953, the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci is one of the largest science and technology museums in Europe. Nestled in the cloisters of a sixteenth-century Olivetan monastery, it covers 50,000 square meters. It is a place where you experience a unique and engaging approach to science and technology.

From 19 July, don't miss the temporary exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci Parade", an unprecedented path through the world's most important collection of historical models built from the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, flanked by frescoes painted by 16th-century Lombard painters of the Pinacoteca di Brera.

Get excited while seeing extraordinary objects such as steam trains, the AC72 Luna Rossa catamaran, the brigantine schooner Ebe and the bridge of command of the Conte Biancamano liner. Get on board the Enrico Toti Submarine and relive the thrill of sailors at sea.Discover the new Spazio area with the only piece of the moon on show in Italy and visit the exhibitions #FoodPeople.

The exhibition for those hungry for innovation" and "Extreme. In search of the particles."On weekends and holidays, there is a rich program of activities and interactive workshops, initiatives in the Tinkering Zone or in the Maker Space, guided tours and special events included with your admission ticket.

Bringen sie mich dorthin: A day at the National Museum Leonardo da Vinci

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