

For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 328 4570147
E-mail: rifugiobrasca@inwind.it




  • Bar pubblico
  • letti separati
  • Letto a castello
  • Ristorante


Val Masino

  • Mountains
Val Masino
9.73 km

Val di Mello

  • Mountains
Val di Mello
9.8 km

Acquafraggia Waterfalls

The source of the Acquafraggia torrent is Pizzo di Lago at an altitude of 3,050 m asl
  • Active & Green
Cascate Acquafraggia
10.32 km

Parco delle Marmitte dei Giganti

  • Parks
Parco delle marmitte dei giganti
11.13 km

Palazzo Vertemate Franchi

Palazzo Vertemate Franchi is without a shadow of doubt one of the most charming 16th-century noble residences in Lombardy.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Vertemate Franchi
11.52 km

Wine in Valtellina

  • Food & Wine
Wine in Valtellina - Val Chiavenna
11.64 km

Skiarea Valchiavenna

Hotels with ski pass included for the perfect ski holiday: stay in one of the participating hotels and just concentrate on having fun!
  • Sport
 Skiarea Valchiavenna
12.17 km


  • Mountains
12.17 km


  • Mountains
Chiavenna e dintorni
12.17 km

The art of dry stone walling

Dry stone structures, evidence of a harmonious relationship between man and nature
  • Unesco Sites
Arte dei muretti a secco
12.93 km

Cycling the Valtellina Trail

A full-blown family-friendly greenway featuring moderate gradients and well-signed cycle routes in both directions
  • Active & Green
Cycling the Valtellina Trail
14.36 km

Morbegno Bassa Valle

  • Mountains
Morbegno Bassa Valle
14.67 km

Morbegno e dintorni

  • Mountains
Morbegno e dintorni
14.67 km

Village of Morbegno

  • Villages
Village of Morbegno
14.67 km

Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses

In Valtellina, the king of mountain cheeses, Bitto is told in many ways. Guide to dairies (and cellars) not to be missed
  • Food & Wine
Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses
14.94 km


Valchiavenna SightEating tour

  • Food & Wine
Valchiavenna SightEating tour
11.52 km