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Palazzo Archinto

Known as “Il Castello” for the two towers that characterise the only remaining wing.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Archinto
2.19 km

Villa Gaia Gandini

Villa Gaia is one of the oldest buildings on the Navigli and was one of the first villas in Lombardy.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Gaia Galdini
2.2 km

Park of the Ticino Valley

The park covers about 92,000 hectares from Lake Maggiore to the confluence with the River Po
  • Parks
Park of the Ticino Valley
2.68 km

Cassinetta di Lugagnano

Cassinetta di Lugagnano is the village of noble Milanese villas, to be discovered by bike or by boat along the Naviglio Grande.
  • Villages
Cassinetta di Lugagnano
3.55 km

Cassinetta di Lugagnano Noble Mansions

  • Art & Culture
Cassinetta di Lugagnano noble mansions
3.59 km

Convento (ex) dell’Annunciata

Very simple on the outside, inside this church conserves a magnificent cycle of frescoes.
  • Art & Culture
Convento dell'Annunciata
6.33 km

Church of San Giorgio

The Church of San Giorgio, also known as La Canonica, dates to 1186.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Giorgio (la Canonica)
6.47 km

Naviglio di Bereguardo

It begins at the Naviglio Grande, at Castelletto di Abbiategrasso, and reaches the River Ticino at the Bereguardo bridge.
  • Navigli
6.81 km

Palazzo Annoni

Villa Annoni is a historic 19th century villa in Cuggiono, in the metropolitan city of Milan.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Annoni
8.26 km

Villa Clerici

Villa Clerici was one of the most luxurious villas on the Canal and in the entire Milan area.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Clerici
8.26 km


  • Villages
Morimondo (MI)
12.22 km

Abbey of Morimondo

The Abbey of Morimondo, along with its monastery, is a place of worship and Cistercian spirituality, but also a tourist attraction
  • Religious Tourism
Abbey of Morimondo
12.52 km

Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia

Una storia al femminile
  • Art & Culture
Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia vista dall'alto
13.54 km

Mill of Mora Bassa

In the ancient halls of the Mora Bassa Mill in Vigevano, a permanent exhibition on "Leonardo's Machines"
  • Art & Culture
Mulino di Mora Bassa
14.23 km