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Palazzo Annoni
Villa Annoni is a historic 19th century villa in Cuggiono, in the metropolitan city of Milan.
A fine neoclassical complex built between the 18th and 19th centuries consisting of a main, rectangular body with three floors.
At the back it has a huge English garden full of legacy trees including a splendid Lebanese cedar. The entire complex was designed by architect Giuseppe Zanoia.
The building has a surface area of over 4000 m2 while the park extends over 270,000 m2. These numbers make Palazzo Annoni one of the biggest residences in the entire Ticino Lombardo area. Inside there are a number of 16th century frescoes that were obtained from an old church demolished in 1960.
Acquired by the Municipality, which partially restored it, since 2007 it has been used as the town hall.
The large park at the back, damaged following the Five Days of Milan having been occupied for several months by a company of Austrian soldiers that was visited personally by Radetzky during an inspection at the border with the Kingdom of Sardinia, was once again compromised by the Second World War.
Partially replanted and reorganised recently with the contribution of the Consorzio del Parco del Ticino, it is open to the public.