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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 351 9792181






The Ropemakers' Museum

  • Art & Culture
The Ropemakers' Museum
3.67 km

Santi Faustino and Giovita Church

  • Art & Culture
Santi Faustino and Giovita Church
3.73 km

Castelponzone, Scandolara Ravara

  • Villages
Castelponzone, Scandolara Ravara
3.77 km

Village of castelponzone

  • Villages
Village of castelponzone
3.84 km

Sommi Picenardi Villa

  • Art & Culture
Sommi Picenardi Villa
6.67 km

San Lorenzo Castle

  • Art & Culture
San Lorenzo Castle
7.03 km

Villa Medici del Vascello

The villa was acquired by the municipality of San Giovanni in Croce in 2005
  • Art & Culture
Villa Medici del Vascello
7.63 km

Medici del Vascello Villa

Since 2005, the villa and the garden have been owned by the Municipality of San Giovanni in Croce and in 2014 they were opened again.
  • Art & Culture
Medici del Vascello Villa
7.71 km

Santissima Trinità Church

  • Art & Culture
Santissima Trinità Church
7.73 km

San Zavedro Church

  • Art & Culture
San Zavedro Church
8.47 km

Mina della Scala Castle

Built at the end of the 16th Century to welcome the noble family Schizzi during the Summer, it offers a wonderful landscape
  • Art & Culture
Mina della Scala Castle
10.29 km

San Giuseppe Church

  • Art & Culture
San Giuseppe Church
10.32 km

Giacomo Matteotti Square

  • Art & Culture
Giacomo Matteotti Square
10.56 km

Isola Dovarese

A town in the Cremonese area famous for the 'Palio delle Contrade', stands on a small terrace overlooking the Oglio river
  • Villages
Isola Dovarese, boroughs Cremona
10.57 km

San Nicolò Church

  • Art & Culture
San Nicolò Church
10.58 km