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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

E-mail: bnbsirtori@mail.com






A balcony over Upper Lombardy, from which to admire a romantic sunset
  • Villages
Ph IMille
5.06 km

Sanctuary of Beata Vergine del Monte Carmelo

  • Religious Tourism
Sanctuary of Beata Vergine del Monte Carmelo
5.06 km

Montevecchia and Curone Valley Park

  • Active & Green
motevecchia collina
5.24 km

Lake Pusiano

Lake Pusiano is a small glacial lake with an isle inside, characterized by old-centuries cypresses. Few minutes far from Lecco.
  • Lakes
Lake Pusiano
6.88 km

Former Convent and Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Brugora

  • Art & Culture
Ex Monastero e Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo di Brugora
6.92 km


A journey in time on the banks of the lake
  • Active & Green
6.98 km

Lago di Annone

The largest basin of the Brianza lakes, a few kilometres from Lecco
  • Lakes
Lago di Annone
7.12 km

Golf Club Lecco

Lecco Golf Club is located in one of the most beautiful areas in Brianza between of Lake Como.
  • Golf
Golf Club Lecco, Annone Brianza, Lecco
7.2 km

The magic of Lago di Sartirana

  • Lakes
The magic of Lago di Sartirana
7.27 km

Lake Annone

  • Active & Green
Lake Annone
7.34 km

La Rotonda, Tregasio

In the Tregasio district of Triuggio (Monza e Brianza), the Rotonda is a small neoclassical Pantheon.
  • Art & Culture
La Rotonda, Tregasio
7.62 km


Natural oases and delightful villas
  • Active & Green
7.73 km

Bosisio Parini

A journey in time on the banks of the Lake Pusiano
  • Active & Green
Bosisio Parini
7.92 km

Lake Olginate

In the past there was a Roman bridge now there is the dike of Lake Lecco. Here you are Olginate.
  • Lakes
Lake Olginate
8.41 km

Lakes Briantei

A constellation of lakes between Lecco and Como. Several opportunities to discover their unique beauty completely immersed into nature.
  • Lakes
Lakes Briantei
8.74 km


Paths, woods, water and fountains
  • Active & Green
8.84 km

Lurago d'Erba

Natural oases and delightful villas
  • Active & Green
Lurago d'Erba
9.04 km

Parco del Roccolo in Cesana Brianza

  • Active & Green
Parco del Roccolo in Cesana Brianza
9.06 km

Abegg Silk Museum

From mulberry to silkworm and then the fine silk thread. Here you are Abegg Silk Museum in Garlate.
  • Art & Culture
Abegg Silk Museum
9.09 km

Madonna del bosco sanctuary

The Imbersago Sanctuary is a valuable monument of Lombard Baroque and stands in a panoramic position on the Adda Valley
  • Religious Tourism
Madonna del Bosco Sanctuary
9.19 km