B&B Il Girasole


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: +39 393 515 0133
E-mail: ilgirasole16@gmail.com





Morbegno e dintorni

  • Mountains
Morbegno e dintorni
719 mt

Morbegno Bassa Valle

  • Mountains
Morbegno Bassa Valle
719 mt

Village of Morbegno

  • Villages
Village of Morbegno
719 mt


  • Food & Wine
791 mt

The art of dry stone walling

Dry stone structures, evidence of a harmonious relationship between man and nature
  • Unesco Sites
Arte dei muretti a secco
4.49 km

Pedesina Discovering Italy's Liliput

  • Villages
Villages in Lombardy
5.44 km

Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses

In Valtellina, the king of mountain cheeses, Bitto is told in many ways. Guide to dairies (and cellars) not to be missed
  • Food & Wine
Valtellina, Sampling Cheeses
7.37 km

Cycling the Valtellina Trail

A full-blown family-friendly greenway featuring moderate gradients and well-signed cycle routes in both directions
  • Active & Green
Cycling the Valtellina Trail
8.24 km

Ponte nel Cielo, Valtellina

A daring project launched in 2016 was the brainchild of a group of mountaineers
  • Active & Green
Ponte nel Cielo, Valtellina
8.34 km

Val Masino

  • Mountains
Val Masino
11.25 km

Excursions on Monte Legnone

Paths and walks for everyone on Lake Como
  • Mountains
monte legnone
11.31 km

Rural settlements in Berbenno

Maroggia - Motta Bassa (Monastero)
  • Art & Culture
Rural settlements in Berbenno
12.45 km

Rural settlements in Colorina

  • Art & Culture
Rural settlements in Colorina
13.43 km

Forte Montecchio Nord

L’ultima fortezza della Prima Guerra Mondiale
  • Lakes
Forte Montecchio Nord
14.32 km

Piccioli House

  • Art & Culture
Piccioli House
14.37 km

Ranzetti House

  • Art & Culture
Ranzetti House
14.65 km

Negri House

  • Art & Culture
Negri House
14.67 km

Parravicini House

  • Art & Culture
Parravicini House
14.67 km

St. Peter's church

A Church of very ancient origin dating back to the end of the 10th century
  • Art & Culture
St. Peter's church
14.83 km