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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 3755482552




  • Parcheggio/garage
  • Si accettano animali di piccola taglia
  • W-LAN


Il Mostasù

  • Art & Culture
Il Mostasù
14 mt

Piazzetta Curt dei Pulì

  • Art & Culture
Piazzetta Curt dei Pulì
55 mt

Church of San Giovanni Evangelista

  • Art & Culture
Church of San Giovanni Evangelista
71 mt

Pallata Tower

  • Art & Culture
Pallata Tower
109 mt

Fontana dei Fiumi

  • Art & Culture
Fontana dei Fiumi
134 mt

La Lodoìga

  • Art & Culture
La Lodoìga
199 mt

The Palace of the Loggia

  • Art & Culture
The Palace of the Loggia
199 mt

Church of Sant'Agata

  • Art & Culture
Church of Sant'Agata
206 mt

Piazza della Loggia

With the Clock Tower, the arcades and its Renaissance architecture, Piazza della Loggia is one of the landmarks of Brescia
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Loggia Brescia
223 mt

National Museum of Photography

  • Art & Culture
National Museum of Photography
237 mt

Museo Diocesano

  • Art & Culture
Museo Diocesano
245 mt

The Arcade and the Clock Tower

  • Art & Culture
The Arcade and the Clock Tower
269 mt

The colli dei Longobardi wine route

  • Food & Wine
The colli dei Longobardi wine route
269 mt

Lake fish

  • Lakes
Lake fish
269 mt

Piazza della Vittoria

  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Vittoria
303 mt

Church of Santa Maria del Carmine

  • Art & Culture
Church of Santa Maria del Carmine
344 mt

Piazza del Mercato

  • Art & Culture
Piazza del Mercato
345 mt

Angelo Maria Querini

  • Art & Culture
Angelo Maria Querini
355 mt

The Old Cathedral

  • Art & Culture
The Old Cathedral
355 mt

Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)

  • Art & Culture
Piazza Paolo VI (formerly Piazza del Duomo)
355 mt