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Phone: 339 2253204





The Polirone monastic complex

  • Religious Tourism
The Polirone monastic complex, Church Mantua
6.22 km

San Benedetto Po

  • Villages
Vista di San Benedetto Po (MN)
6.26 km

Lambrusco Mantovano Doc

  • Active & Green
Lambrusco Mantovano Doc
9.47 km

Fort of Sparafucile

  • Art & Culture
Fort of Sparafucile -
13 km

Bosco Virgiliano

Today the Bosco is the biggest park in the town and is managed by the Associazione Anticittà
  • Active & Green
Bosco Virgiliano
13.55 km

Scientific theatre

  • Art & Culture
Scientific theatre
14.19 km

Ducal Palace

  • Art & Culture
Ducal Palace - Mantua
14.21 km

Saint George Castle

Isabella d’Este, one of the most influential women of the Italian Renaissance, lived here for a long time.
  • Art & Culture
Castello di San Giorgio
14.21 km

Biblioteca Teresiana

A library and an enchanting surprise amidst the city’s precious historic and literary heritage
  • Art & Culture
Biblioteca Teresiana, Mantova
14.24 km

Palazzo Ducale of Mantua

The beauty of Palazzo Ducale, the Gonzaga residence, is hard to describe. It's maybe the most architecturally dense palace of its period.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Ducale of Mantua
14.3 km

Mantua: piazza Sordello

  • Art & Culture
Mantua: piazza Sordello
14.35 km

House of Rigoletto

  • Art & Culture
House of Rigoletto - Credits.
14.36 km

Cathedral of Mantua

The Cathedral of Mantua has an ancient history: some chronicles trace its foundation back to 313 a.D.
  • Religious Tourism
Cathedral of Mantua
14.38 km

Palazzo della Ragione e Torre dell'Orologio

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo della Ragione e Torre dell'Orologio
14.39 km

Rotonda di San Lorenzo

La chiesa è una delle tante costruite, secondo tradizione, da Matilde di Canossa
  • Art & Culture
Mantova, Rotonda di San Lorenzo
14.42 km

Palazzo Te

Palazzo Te in Mantua, a villa with decorations inspired by antiquity. The brainchild of Giulio Romano and Federico II Gonzaga
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Te
14.43 km

Leon Battista Alberti Journey into Classicism

  • Religious Tourism
Leon Battista Alberti Journey into Classicism
14.48 km

House of Andrea Mantegna

  • Art & Culture
House of Andrea Mantegna
14.52 km

Mostarda Mantovana

  • Food & Wine
Mostarda Mantovana
14.55 km

Sbrisolona Mantovana

  • Food & Wine
Sbrisolona Mantovana
14.55 km