- Food & Wine
Mostarda Mantovana
On the same weekend as the Festival della Sbrisolona, the Festival della Mostarda (15-16 October 2022), is an absolute must-visit: two days dedicated to one of Mantua’s most iconic local specialties split between the splendid Palazzo del Te, with this iconic villa belonging to the House of Gonzaga open to the public, and the sumptuous Loggia del Grano of the Palazzo Andreani.
Organized by the Chambers of Commerce of Mantua, Cremona and Pavia, Unioncamere and the Region of Lombardy, this event aims to interest and entertain through a varied programme of events that includes product displays, tastings, talk shows and in-depth discussions.
A sweet and spicy local delicacy, mostarda (the name of which derives from the Latin expression mustum ardens or “spicy must”, the same root as mustard in English) has has an exceptionally long tradition in Mantua, its roots dating back to the 1300s, a time when the House of Gonzaga, the lords of the Duchy of Mantua, frequently consumed it as a product of great luxury. A recipe (very distinct from French mustard!) that has different variations depending on where in the province it is made, mostarda di Mantova, unlike many others, is typically made using quince, mustard oil and sugar. Its unique taste lends itself to being a wonderful complement to meat dishes such as bolliti misti (mixed boiled meats), roasts and cotechino (slow-cooked pork sausage), but it also pairs well with charcuterie, mature cheeses and even vanilla ice cream.