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Villa Gaia Gandini

Villa Gaia is one of the oldest buildings on the Navigli and was one of the first villas in Lombardy.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Gaia Galdini
1.77 km

Palazzo Archinto

Known as “Il Castello” for the two towers that characterise the only remaining wing.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Archinto
1.78 km

Cassinetta di Lugagnano

Cassinetta di Lugagnano is the village of noble Milanese villas, to be discovered by bike or by boat along the Naviglio Grande.
  • Villages
Cassinetta di Lugagnano
2.9 km

Park of the Ticino Valley

The park covers about 92,000 hectares from Lake Maggiore to the confluence with the River Po
  • Parks
Park of the Ticino Valley
2.96 km

Cassinetta di Lugagnano Noble Mansions

  • Art & Culture
Cassinetta di Lugagnano noble mansions
3.1 km

Convento (ex) dell’Annunciata

Very simple on the outside, inside this church conserves a magnificent cycle of frescoes.
  • Art & Culture
Convento dell'Annunciata
4.84 km

Naviglio di Bereguardo

It begins at the Naviglio Grande, at Castelletto di Abbiategrasso, and reaches the River Ticino at the Bereguardo bridge.
  • Navigli
5.62 km

Church of San Giorgio

The Church of San Giorgio, also known as La Canonica, dates to 1186.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Giorgio (la Canonica)
6.86 km

Palazzo Annoni

Villa Annoni is a historic 19th century villa in Cuggiono, in the metropolitan city of Milan.
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Annoni
9.71 km

Villa Clerici

Villa Clerici was one of the most luxurious villas on the Canal and in the entire Milan area.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Clerici
9.71 km


  • Villages
Morimondo (MI)
10.44 km

Abbey of Morimondo

The Abbey of Morimondo, along with its monastery, is a place of worship and Cistercian spirituality, but also a tourist attraction
  • Religious Tourism
Abbey of Morimondo
10.7 km

Mill of Mora Bassa

In the ancient halls of the Mora Bassa Mill in Vigevano, a permanent exhibition on "Leonardo's Machines"
  • Art & Culture
Mulino di Mora Bassa
10.87 km

Museum of Vigevano Entrepreneurship

  • Art & Culture
Museum of Vigevano Entrepreneurship
12.17 km

Cagnoni Civic Theatre

The theatre of Vigevano
  • Art & Culture
Cagnoni Civic Theatre
12.18 km


A Renaissance Gem in the Heart of Lomellina
  • Villages
12.35 km

Piazza Ducale in Vigevano

You will be enchanted by one of the most beautiful Renaissance squares
  • Art & Culture
Piazza Ducale in Vigevano
12.35 km

Duomo di Vigevano

It delimits the eastern side of the Piazza Ducale, with its grandiose Baroque façade
  • Religious Tourism
Duomo di Vigevano, Churches of Pavia
12.36 km

Museum of the Treasure of the Vigevano Cathedral

  • Art & Culture
Museum of the Treasure of the Vigevano Cathedral
12.36 km

Casimiro Ottone Civic Art Gallery

  • Art & Culture
Pinacoteca di Vigevano
12.4 km