Agr. La Rossera


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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 0382-73131




  • Parco giochi
  • Senza barriere architettoniche
  • Servizio shuttle (stazione ferroviaria)


Inverno E Monteleone

  • Villages
Inverno E Monteleone
394 mt

Terme di Miradolo

Waterfalls, emotional showers and massages with chocolate. The hills loved by Petrarca
  • Wellness
Terme di Miradolo
3.64 km


  • Villages
4.71 km

Bolognini castle

Bolognini Castle has been built in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano (LO), on the shore of the river Lambro; today it is home to three museum.
  • Art & Culture
Bolognini castle
4.82 km

Santa Cristina E Bissone

  • Villages
Santa Cristina E Bissone
4.84 km

Monastery Santa Cristina e Bissone

  • Art & Culture
bifora gotica
4.86 km

Bolognini Castle and Museum

Discover Morando Bolognini, the first of the three Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Castle museums
  • Art & Culture
Bolognini Castle and Museum
5.02 km

Belgioioso Castle

  • Art & Culture
Belgioioso Castle
6.52 km

Oratory of San Giacomo Of Cerreta - Belgioioso

  • Art & Culture
9.76 km

The Chignolo Po Castle

  • Art & Culture
The Chignolo Po Castle
9.84 km


  • Villages
9.87 km

San Zenone Al Po

  • Villages
San Zenone Al Po
10.04 km

Arena Po

  • Villages
Castello di Arena Po
11.49 km

Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i

  • Art & Culture
Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i
11.94 km

Sant'alessio Con Vialone

  • Active & Green
Sant'alessio Con Vialone
12.43 km

The Bridge over the Adda

  • Art & Culture
The Bridge over the Adda
12.56 km

Vairano circuit

Automotive Safety Centre
  • Lifestyle
Vairano circuit
12.83 km

Village of stradella

A concentrate of history, art and traditions awaits you in this ancient village at the foot of the Oltrepò hills
  • Villages
Village of Stradella
14.97 km