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Belgioioso Castle
This castle was most likely founded by Gian Galeazzo II in the 14th century, since he stayed here often and was very fond of this area. It is the perfect example of the charm, sophistication and opulence of the noble courts in Lombardy.
After multiple owners, in the 17th century it was acquired by Don Antonio Barbiano, who renovated and expanded the building, embellished the gardens and restored the conservatories.
Today the beautiful villa, including the stunning Neoclassical park, hosts many festivals and events that attract people from all over Italy such as Parole Nel Tempo (a fair for minor publishers), Officinalia (organic foods, nature, environment), Armonia (holistic wellbeing for the mind, body and spirit), Taiji Festival (Taiji Quan) and Next Vintage (vintage fair), which have become the castle’s trademark events.
Opening hours
Open: only during events
Opening times: 10 am-8 pm, times may vary during
Admission: charge