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Museums Como

Great museum offer in Como. From the first communities on the territory to the thematic museums

Museums Como. This province is famous due to its lake and aristocratic mansions that make part of its rich heritage. These museums in Lombardy ideal destinations to enjoy cultural tourism.


Como is globally renowned in the silkworm industry thanks to the centuries-old techniques that were perfected here. The Silk Museum tells the history of local weaving through photographs and machinery. Staying on the subject of textiles, the Antonio Ratti Foundation collects antique fabrics, contemporary art pieces and opens its specialized library to the public.

When visiting museums in Como, visitors should not miss the one dedicated to Navigation Instruments, gathering varrious items used by sailors over the ages.

Take the time to visit the Tempio Voltiano, founded in honor of Alessandro Volta's inventions and scientific research, the Palazzo Volpi Picture Gallery and its XXth century blueprints collection, including the works of the architect A. Sant'Elia.

Head to the Comacina island and go to the Antiquarium and admire the ancient artifacts found during archaeological excavations in the area. Then there the museums for Rocking Horses in Grandate and the one in Madonna del Ghisallo, appreciated by cycling fans.

Tourism in Como offers some of the most interesting museums in Lombardy.

Take me here: Museums Como

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