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Museums Brescia

Brescia: the ideal destination for those who love art. Countless opportunities to visit exhibitions and to attend cultural events

Museums Brescia. Discover a province that balances both past and modernity with its peculiar museums. Lombardy boasts a wide range of options for enjoying cultural tourism.

Brescia,  is often nicknamed as the "Lioness of Italy" when it fought back against the Austrian Empire in 1849. This historic event is remembered inside its Castle. It houses two important museums: the Risorgimento and the Arms Museum, displaying an extraordinary iconographic heritage and a section focusing on the "Ten Days" and an assorted armor collection respectively.

Do not miss the chance of visiting museums in Brescia's old districts, like the ones of San Salvatore – Santa Giulia, the Capitolium and the Palace of Martinengo da Barco. Here you can find the Civic Picture Gallery, with the works of famous artists such as Raffaello and Lotto as well as invaluable incisions made using various techniques.

Among some of the most interesting museums in Lombardy, there is one dedicated to the Mille Miglia. It showcases vintage vehicles that ran in the legendary race. 

Tourism in Brescia continues in the neighboring localities of Sermione and Gardone Riviera, where the Vittoriale degli Italiani stands, which narrates the life of Gabriele D'Annunzio and keeps his manuscripts and possessions.

Take me here: Museums Brescia

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