I found 267 results for val di scalve

Action sports in Lombardy

From Lake Garda to Val Brembana, 5 action sports destinations offering a hefty dose of adrenaline
Action sports in Lombardy

5 Thing-to-do in Domaso

An amazing place for your active holiday on Lake Como
domaso cose fare

Brembana Valley

Trails between woods and peaks, snow-covered ski slopes ... come and discover all the outdoor activities in Val Brembana.
Brembana Valley

A gastronomic tour of Lake Iseo

Lake Iseo is rich in nature, history, culture, and unique flavours. Start your taste adventure here.
A gastronomic tour of Lake Iseo

Rocca of Bergamo

The castle has long been a landmark and the protagonist of events that have changed the city’s history.
Rocca di Bergamo

What to do in Lake Iseo

L’isola lacustre più alta d’Europa. La Valle Camonica e la Franciacorta. Il Sebino e i suoi itinerari. 10 cose da fare sul Lago d’Iseo

Basilica and convent Santa Maria degli Angeli

    Our next stop is in Gardone Val Trompia, a municipality in the middle valley known for the presence of the convent complex of Santa Maria degli Angeli, including the Basilica and the Convent.   Built in the mid-fifteenth century at the behest of San Bernardino da Siena, the church has been restored several times and is still open to the public, while the adjacent convent complex is privately owned. The central lunette depicting the Madonna degli Angeli, painted in 1502, stands out in the extensive frescos decoration of the presbytery, dating back to the early sixteenth century. Further noteworthy elements are the fifteenth-century cloister of the convent, the Room of the Cenacle and the Rizzinelli Fund, a collection of books published between the sixteenth and twenty-first centuries.       (Ph: bresciatourism.it)

Up and down on a funicular: the panorama seen from the sky

Lombardy funiculars: the most romantic means of transport man has created
Up and down on a funicular: the panorama seen from the sky


Taleggio DOP, a great talent of Italian cuisine makes Italians good forks, true gourmets

The High Route of Valmalenco – 3rd stage

Alpe Ventina (1960 m) - Forbicina (1656 m) - Val Sissone - Rif. Del Grande (2600 m) - Chiareggio (1612 m)
Salita in Val Sissone

From Piazza Brembana to Bergamo

From Piazza Brembana to Bergamo

Lago Maggiore Unspoilt landscapes

Monteviasco can only be reached on foot or by cableway from Ponte di Piero. This village is famous for its 18th century mills placed in a natural setting.
Lago Maggiore Paesaggi incontaminati