I found 267 results for val di scalve

Val Seriana e Val di Scalve

Not just snow... in Val Seriana and Val di Scalve many activities for all seasons.
Massiccio Presolana - Val Seriana (BG)

Winter sports near Bergamo

Val Seriana, Val Brembana and Val di Scalve await you with their cross-country trails, snow parks, toboggan runs and skating rinks.
Sport sulla neve - Valli bergamasche

Summer is more beautiful in the Bergamasque Valleys

Val Brembana, Valseriana, Val di Scalve and Valle Imagna: a family-friendly holiday in the valleys of the Bergamasque Alps 
Cascate del Serio (BG)

Bergamo Valle di Scalve, nature, peace and quiet

Bergamo Valle di Scalve, tra natura e tranquillità

Angolo Terme

Val di Scalve is a valley with breathtaking views and a large park for ultimate relax
Terme di Angolo

What to see in Lombardy mountains

What to visit in Lombardy: guide to the most important places and places.
Cosa vedere sulle montagne lombarde

Schilpario, a Nordic skiing paradise

Val di Scalve is the go-to location for Nordic skiing. Nordic skiers love the Pista degli Abeti, a circular trail totalling more than 10 kilometres that winds through a glorious pine forest close to the town centre, making it easy for skiers to choose a distance suited to their ability. There is a school slope for ski mountaineering.
Schilpario, Val di Scalve

Gaffione Mine

Comune di Schilpario (BG)

Orobie: Mountains for all seasons

Visit the Orobie Park: the largest natural area in Lombardy's regional parks.
Orobie: le montagne da vivere tutto l’anno

Bergamo three small natural jewels: Val Vertova, Val Sedornia and Val Sanguigno

Off the beaten tourist track, but close to the Valle Seriana, there are three small valleys, just waiting to be discovered, either on foot or mountain bike
Bergamo tre piccoli gioielli naturali: Val Vertova, Val Sedornia e Val Sanguigno

The Maple Tree of Monte Schilpario

Wonderful in shape and size, the specimen on the Vivione Pass road is the most admired sycamore maple in Lombardy.

Hiking with kids in Lombardy- Trails for tourists and athletes

Hiking is an excellent way to enjoy exercise, and Lombardy has some amazing trails for kids and adults to explore in winter. Find out more.