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Certosa di Pavia

The Certosa di Pavia, a monastery built by Gian Galeazzo Visconti as a family chapel, is connected to the castle by the Visconteo Park.
  • Religious Tourism
Certosa di Pavia
7.35 km

Golf Club Ambrosiano

Near Milan, the Ambrosiano is one of the most challenging Italian golf courses, which is nonetheless suitable for players of every level.
  • Golf
Golf Club Ambrosiano, Bubbiano (MI)
8.08 km

Golf Club Castello Tolcinasco

Opened in 1993, Castello Tolcinasco surrounds an impressive 16th century castle and its ancient court.
  • Golf
Golf Club Castello Tolcinasco, Pieve Emanuele (MI)
8.19 km

Pontoon bridge

This bridge is one of the last remaining pontoon bridges in Italy.
  • Navigli
Ponte delle barche
9.07 km

Bereguardo Castle

  • Art & Culture
Bereguardo Castle
9.27 km

Golf Club Le Rovedine

Le Rovedine in a green oasis near Milan with a one of the largest driving ranges in Europe for taking your first steps on the green.
  • Golf
Golf Club Le Rovedine, Noverasco di Opera (MI)
12.12 km

Vairano circuit

Automotive Safety Centre
  • Lifestyle
Vairano circuit
12.48 km

Abbey of Morimondo

The Abbey of Morimondo, along with its monastery, is a place of worship and Cistercian spirituality, but also a tourist attraction
  • Religious Tourism
Abbey of Morimondo
12.52 km


  • Villages
Morimondo (MI)
12.62 km

Pavia University Campus

An ancient and glorious history. Alessandro Volta, Ugo Foscolo, Carlo Rubbia sat on the professorships of the University of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Pavia University Campus
13.72 km

Sant'alessio Con Vialone

  • Active & Green
Sant'alessio Con Vialone
14.06 km

Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

  • Religious Tourism
Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro
14.49 km

Basilica of Saint Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

  • Art & Culture
Basilica of Saint Pietro in Ciel d’Oro
14.49 km

Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro

  • Art & Culture
Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro
14.54 km

Church Of Saint Salvatore Pavia

San Salvatore was an ancient and powerful monastery of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Church Of Saint Salvatore Pavia
14.63 km

Archaeology museum and sala longobarda

  • Art & Culture
Archaeology Museum and Sala Longobarda
14.64 km

Vicolo dei Lavandai

The Vicolo dei Lavandai is an enchanting place where, with a bit of imagination, you can step back in time.
  • Art & Culture
Vicolo dei Lavandai
14.64 km

Visconti Castle

At the start of the 20th century, Visconti Castle(PV) was acquired by the local municipality and has since been home to the civic museums
  • Tourism Accessible
Visconti Castle
14.68 km

Castle Visconteo of Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Castle Visconteo of Pavia
14.69 km

Kosmos Natural History Museum

An antique museum with a science collection of the highest value, collated for educational purposes by Lazzaro Spallanzani in 1771.
  • Art & Culture
Kosmos Natural History Museum
14.85 km