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Phone: 393 1336481





Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i

  • Art & Culture
Remains of the ancient walls (war memorial) i
6.21 km

Zoate Golf Club

A Club that welcomes guests to an old country village and combines the charm of the place with the technical excellence of a course.
  • Golf
Zoate Golf Club
6.95 km

Paradiso Fish Park

  • Active & Green
Paradiso Fish Park
7.6 km

Palazzo Vescovile

(entrata da piazza Mercato o via Cavour)
  • Art & Culture
Di Arbalete - Opera propria, Pubblico dominio,
9.88 km

“Vittoria” Cemetery

  • Art & Culture
“Vittoria” Cemetery
9.99 km

Bipielle Center

  • Lifestyle
Bipielle Center
11.02 km

Pusterla di San Vincenzo

  • Art & Culture
Pusterla di San Vincenzo
11.04 km

Parco Naturale Adda Sud

This extends through the areas of Lodi and Cremona
  • Active & Green
Parco Naturale Adda Sud
11.07 km

Parco Adda Sud

  • Active & Green
Parco Adda Sud
11.07 km

Il Castello Visconteo

Built at the request of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The building currently houses the Police Headquarters
  • Art & Culture
Il Castello Visconteo
11.23 km

Ex chiesa e ex convento di san Cristoforo

  • Art & Culture
Ex chiesa e ex convento di san Cristoforo
11.27 km

Museo del Tesoro dell'Incoronata

  • Art & Culture
Museo del Tesoro dell'Incoronata
11.31 km

Palazzo Barni

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Barni
11.32 km

Santa Maria del Sole

  • Religious Tourism
Santa Maria del Sole
11.32 km

Tempio dell'Incoronata

One of the most beautiful buildings of Renaissance Lombardy, Tempio dell'Incoronata built with the contribution of all social classes
  • Religious Tourism
Tempio dell'Incoronata
11.33 km

Palazzo Vistarini

Palazzo Vistarini overlooks Piazza della Vittoria and belonged to the Vistarini family, one of the most important in Lodi
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Vistarini Lodi
11.35 km

Chiesa di San Lorenzo

The Church of San Lorenzo was built in the Lombard Romanesque style and is the oldest church in Lodi, after the Cathedral.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Lorenzo
11.36 km

Il Broletto

  • Art & Culture
La loggia neoclassica di palazzo Broletto
11.4 km

Palazzo Villani

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Villani
11.4 km

Piazza della vittoria in lodi

Known as Piazza Maggiore, it is the scenic city center since the municipal era and still today a lively meeting place
  • Art & Culture
Piazza della Vittoria in Lodi
11.41 km