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Phone: 3489733940





Santa Margherita V.M. Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Margherita V.M. Church
91 mt

Visconti Castle of Pandino

Visconti Castle of Pandino is one of the best examples of fortified structures of its century.
  • Art & Culture
Castello Visconteo di Pandino
113 mt

Gradella, Pandino

  • Villages
2.61 km

Village of gradella

A small ancient world of the Po Valley: painted houses, farmhouses and connecting courtyards surrounded by cultivated fields,
  • Villages
Village of gradella
2.62 km


A little ancient village in the Po Plain: painted houses, farms and common courtyards surrounded by cultivated fields. This is Gradella.
  • Villages
2.64 km

Villa Pertusati and its fountain

  • Art & Culture
Villa Pertusati
7.75 km

San Sigismondo and Maria Assunta Church

  • Art & Culture
San Sigismondo and Maria Assunta Church
7.86 km

Santa Maria Immacolata Church

  • Art & Culture
Santa Maria Immacolata Church
7.88 km

The Prehistoric Park

Come to the park and discover the protagonists of the history and of the life on the Earth
  • Parks
The Prehistoric Park
8.55 km

Paradiso Fish Park

  • Active & Green
Paradiso Fish Park
9.07 km

Golf Crema Resort

  • Golf
Golf Crema Resort, Crema (CR)
9.12 km

Palazzo Vescovile

(entrata da piazza Mercato o via Cavour)
  • Art & Culture
Di Arbalete - Opera propria, Pubblico dominio,
9.51 km

Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena

The church of Santa Maria Maddalena is located in the heart of the lower town and has very ancient origins.
  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di S. Maria Maddalena
10.4 km

Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte

  • Religious Tourism
Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte, Churches of Bergamo
10.45 km

L’Ospedale Maggiore

  • Art & Culture
L’Ospedale Maggiore
10.56 km

Ex chiesa e ex convento di san Cristoforo

  • Art & Culture
Ex chiesa e ex convento di san Cristoforo
10.57 km

Liceo P. Verri - Aula Magna

Founded as a convent it was handed over to the Benedictine nuns who built the church in 1588 (today's Aula Magna).
  • Art & Culture
Liceo P. Verri -  Aula Magna
10.61 km

Collegio San Francesco

The Museum of Natural Sciences, owned by the Barnabite Fathers, was founded in 1833 and offers a large collection of animal specimens.
  • Art & Culture
Collegio San Francesco
10.63 km

Teatro alle Vigne

The Teatro alle Vigne became the Municipal Theatre in 1985
  • Music and show
Teatro alle Vigne - Lodi
10.67 km

Teatro alle vigne in lodi

  • Art & Culture
Teatro alle vigne in lodi
10.67 km