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For information about the availability of rooms please contact the property at the following addresses:

Phone: 3496401029





The Freedom Plane Tree of Breno

The imposing green monument at the gates of the town of Breno has been a symbol of freedom for two centuries.
  • Mountains
The Freedom Plane Tree of Breno
4.55 km

Astronomy Evening

  • Lifestyle
Ph: Lombardia Beni Culturali
4.9 km

Rock Carvings National Park

The Rock Carvings National Park, in Valle Camonica, is the first of the Unesco Sites in Lombardy to be labelled as World Heritage in 1979
  • Unesco Sites
Rock Carvings National Park
5.24 km

The Scots Pine of Paspardo

  • Active & Green
The Scots Pine of Paspardo
5.75 km


  • Villages
Bienno, Borghi Brescia
6.4 km

The Maple Tree of Monte Schilpario

  • Mountains
The Maple Tree of Monte Schilpario
9.3 km

Bagolino - Gaver

A charming ski resort in the heart of the Adamello Nature Park, perfect for those living in and around Brescia.
  • Mountains
Bagolino - Gaver
11.71 km

Borno Ski Area

Snowboarders, partygoers, and animal lovers will find a natural paradise here to discover with friends.
  • Mountains
Borno Ski Area
13.24 km

Gaffione Mine

  • Active & Green
Gaffione Mine
14.03 km

Schilpario, a Nordic skiing paradise

  • Mountains
Schilpario, a Nordic skiing paradise
14.03 km