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Palazzo Grasselli

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Grasselli
484 mt

Parco bastioni di Porta Mosa

  • Art & Culture
Parco bastioni di Porta Mosa
556 mt

Duomo of Cremona

The cathedral of Cremona, built in the 12th century and dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, is located in Cremona's government centre
  • Art & Culture
Duomo of Cremona
697 mt

Torrazzo and Vertical Museum

The symbol of the town and the museum dedicated to time-measuring
  • Art & Culture
Torrazzo and Vertical Museum
710 mt

Museo Diocesano

An amazing place of Art and Faith!
  • Art & Culture
Museo Diocesano
733 mt

Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari

  • Art & Culture
Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari
741 mt

From Cremona to Casalmaggiore

Dancing on the bends of the Po. Amidst rows of willows, poplars and farmhouses
  • Cycle Tourism
From Cremona to Casalmaggiore
744 mt

Battistero di San Giovanni

Battistero di San Giovanni completes Piazza del Comune
  • Art & Culture
Battistero di San Giovanni
746 mt

Cripta di Sant'Omobono

  • Art & Culture
Cripta di Sant'Omobono
752 mt

Palazzo del Comune

The thirteenth-century "Palazzo del Comune", the Town Hall, is opposite the Cathedral
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo del Comune
756 mt

Violin Craftmanship Cremona

  • Unesco Sites
Violin Craftmanship Cremona
866 mt

Parco al Po

The Po Park creates a filter between the city and the naturalistic area of ​​the Po river and its banks.
  • Parks
Parco al Po
909 mt

Torrazzo of Cremona

Located next to Cremona Cathedral, it is the symbol of the city. It is the tallest brick belfry in the world, 112 meters
  • Art & Culture
Torrazzo of Cremona
909 mt

Antonio Stradivari House

In Corso Garibaldi 57 a fragment of the history of Cremonese violin making: Casa Stradivari
  • Art & Culture
Antonio Stradivari House
909 mt

Palazzo Mina Bolzesi

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Mina Bolzesi
914 mt

Museum of Natural History

Minerals and animal species from different eras, temporary exhibitions, and a library for children: a museum to be discovered.
  • Art & Culture
Museum of Natural History
928 mt

Ala Ponzone Museum

  • Art & Culture
Ala Ponzone Museum
932 mt

Violin Museum

The Violin Museum takes visitors through Cremona's five-century history of violin making, the great masters and their violins
  • Art & Culture
Violin Museum
987 mt

Ponchielli Theatre

  • Art & Culture
Ponchielli Theatre
1.22 km

Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli

  • Art & Culture
Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli
1.22 km