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Carate Brianza

From the Basilica of Saints Pietro e Paolo to Villa Cusani Confalonieri, Carate Brianza is a small treasure chest to explore.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Cusani Confalonieri, Carate Brianza
771 mt

Sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta in Rancate

  • Art & Culture
Sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta in Rancate
1.19 km

Walking among the pines

  • Active & Green
Ph: I Mille
2.2 km

La Rotonda, Tregasio

In the Tregasio district of Triuggio (Monza e Brianza), the Rotonda is a small neoclassical Pantheon.
  • Art & Culture
La Rotonda, Tregasio
3.53 km

Former Convent and Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Brugora

  • Art & Culture
Ex Monastero e Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo di Brugora
3.91 km

Villa Taverna

Located in the heart of Brianza, Villa Taverna in Triuggio is one of the most beautiful aristocratic residences in Lombardy.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Taverna
4.01 km


  • Art & Culture
5.29 km


Brianza’s very own Sistine Chapel? The church of San Vittore. Find out what to see in Meda, the furniture capital of Monza e Brianza.
  • Art & Culture
6.04 km

Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi

In Desio, Monza e Brianza, Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi is an elegant family residence with a history going back two centuries.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Cusani Tittoni Traversi
6.62 km


The town of Villas
  • Villages
7.24 km

Vedano al Lambro

Near Monza, in the Lambro Valley. From Villa Zendali to the Church of Santo Stefano, discover the treasures of Vedano al Lambro.
  • Art & Culture
Vedano al Lambro, Il Giardino dei Finzi Contini
7.26 km

Golf Club Milano

A prestigious Golf Club Milano with a superb 27-hole course and one of the most beautiful Club Houses in Europe.
  • Golf
Golf Club Milano, Parco Reale di Monza (MB)
7.35 km

Among Art and Design in Lissone

Situated in redeveloped areas of the Lissone-Muggiò railway station, the museum is dedicated to contemporary art and design
  • Art & Culture
Among Art and Design in Lissone
7.35 km

Autodromo Nazionale di Monza

Motor sports and high speeds
  • Sport
Autodromo Nazionale di Monza
7.45 km

Monza Park

  • Active & Green
Monza Park
7.95 km

Villa Mirabellino

  • Art & Culture
Villa Mirabellino - Parco di Monza - ph
7.95 km

Villa Mirabello

  • Art & Culture
Villa Mirabello -
8.25 km

Torretta Viscontea

  • Art & Culture
Torretta Viscontea - Parco di Monza - ph:
8.77 km

Serrone of Villa Reale

  • Art & Culture
Roseto - Serrone of Villa Reale - Monza
9 km

Palazzo Arese Borromeo

In Cesano Maderno, Palazzo Arese Borromeo is one of the most beautiful palazzos in the province of Monza e Brianza
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Arese Borromeo
9.03 km