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Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Parks
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
4.25 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park and Antiquarium

  • Art & Culture
Castelseprio Archaeological Park and Antiquarium
4.25 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Unesco Sites
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
4.25 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Unesco Sites
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
4.25 km

Monastero di torba

The splendid religious architecture stands on the slopes of the hill where the Archaeological Park of Castelseprio is located
  • Unesco Sites
Monastero di Torba
4.71 km

Church of Santa Maria foris portas

  • Unesco Sites
Church of Santa Maria foris portas
4.73 km

Castello di Monteruzzo

  • Art & Culture
Castello di Monteruzzo
5.25 km

Church of Villa

Castiglione Olona (VA)
  • Religious Tourism
Church of Villa
5.88 km

Castiglione Olona and the Collegiate Church Compound | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Art & Culture
Castiglione Olona and the Collegiate Church Compound | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
5.9 km

Collegiata Museum

On the highest hill, the church and the baptistery dating back to the fifteenth century dominate the ancient village of Castiglione Olona
  • Art & Culture
Collegiata Museum, Museums Varese
5.91 km

Castiglione Olona A Piece of Tuscany in Lombardy

  • Villages
Tour to Castiglione Olona
6.07 km

Medieveal village of Castiglione Olona

  • Villages
View of a stone arch marking the entrance to the historic center of Castiglione Olona, with a narrow paved street and ancient buildings made of stone and brick.
6.25 km

Cairate Monastery

Dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta
  • Art & Culture
Cairate Monastery
6.56 km

Museo Gallaratese per gli Studi Patri

  • Art & Culture
Museo Gallaratese per gli Studi Patri
6.96 km

Church of San Pietro

Gallarate (VA)
  • Art & Culture
Church of San Pietro
7.35 km

MA*GA Gallarate

Museo Arte Gallarate, no magic but much art and a rich collection of masterpieces of the twentieth century
  • Art & Culture
MA*GA Museum Gallarate
7.93 km

Castello di Fagnano Olona

  • Art & Culture
Castello di Fagnano Olona
8.3 km

Visconteo Castle

In Fagnano Olona a particular medieval castle
  • Art & Culture
Visconteo Castle
8.35 km

Frera Motorcycle Museum

  • Cycle Tourism
Frera Motorcycle Museum
8.48 km

Visconti di San Vito Castle

Castle and museum in Somma Lombardo.
  • Art & Culture
Visconti di San Vito Castle
8.75 km