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E-mail: paoladaverio.somma@gmail.com





Visconti di San Vito Castle (Somma Lombardo) | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Art & Culture
Visconti di San Vito Castle (Somma Lombardo) | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
439 mt

The Horse Chestnut of the Visconti Castle

  • Art & Culture
The Horse Chestnut of the Visconti Castle
448 mt

Castello Visconti di San Vito

  • Art & Culture
Castello Visconti di San Vito
448 mt

Visconti di San Vito Castle

Castle and museum in Somma Lombardo.
  • Art & Culture
Visconti di San Vito Castle
448 mt

Panperduto | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Villages
Panperduto | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
2.29 km

Volandia Park and the Aviation Museum (Somma Lombardo)

  • Lifestyle
Volandia Park and the Aviation Museum (Somma Lombardo)
5.59 km

Museo Gallaratese per gli Studi Patri

  • Art & Culture
Museo Gallaratese per gli Studi Patri
6.86 km

Church of San Pietro

Gallarate (VA)
  • Art & Culture
Church of San Pietro
6.97 km

MA*GA Gallarate

Museo Arte Gallarate, no magic but much art and a rich collection of masterpieces of the twentieth century
  • Art & Culture
MA*GA Museum Gallarate
7.58 km

The Abbey of San Donato

In Sesto Calende the beautiful and ancient Romanesque church is worth a visit
  • Religious Tourism
Visit the Abbey of San Donato in Sesto Calende
7.99 km

Lake Comabbio

Discover the Hidden Gem of Varese
  • Lakes
Lake Comabbio
9 km

Sass da Preja Buia

The erratic boulder at Sesto Calende
  • Art & Culture
Sass da Preja Buia
9.29 km

Big Bench #333

  • Active & Green
Ph: Prolco Varano Borghi
10.55 km

Castello di Monteruzzo

  • Art & Culture
Castello di Monteruzzo
10.78 km

Naviglio Grande

The Naviglio Grande is the first of the canals that make up the Milan canal system, the oldest and the most important.
  • Navigli
Naviglio Grande
11.08 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Parks
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
12.58 km

Church of Santa Maria foris portas

  • Unesco Sites
Church of Santa Maria foris portas
12.65 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park and Antiquarium

  • Art & Culture
Castelseprio Archaeological Park and Antiquarium
12.77 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Unesco Sites
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
12.77 km

Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta

  • Unesco Sites
Castelseprio Archaeological Park - Church of Santa Maria Foris Portas - Santa Maria Assunta
12.77 km