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The Black Poplars of Cremona

  • Active & Green
11.17 km


One of the most interesting walled cities of the Lombardy region, divided by the Adda river.
  • Art & Culture
12.61 km

The dungeons’ museum

  • Art & Culture
The dungeons’ museum
12.63 km

The walls of Pizzighettone

  • Art & Culture
The walls of Pizzighettone
12.63 km

The Museum of the Handicraft and Folk Culture

  • Art & Culture
The Museum of the Handicraft and Folk Culture
12.63 km

San Bassiano Church

  • Art & Culture
San Bassiano Church
12.71 km

The Civic Museum in Pizzighettone

  • Art & Culture
The Civic Museum in Pizzighettone
12.87 km

Guado Tower

  • Art & Culture
Guado Tower
12.91 km

Pizzighettone: Case Matte and Church of San Pietro

  • Villages
Pizzighettone: Case Matte
13.25 km

Palazzo Trecchi

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Trecchi
13.31 km

Ala Ponzone Museum

  • Art & Culture
Ala Ponzone Museum
13.45 km

Museum of Natural History

Minerals and animal species from different eras, temporary exhibitions, and a library for children: a museum to be discovered.
  • Art & Culture
Museum of Natural History
13.46 km

Palazzo Roncadelli Pallavicino Ariguzzi

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Roncadelli Pallavicino Ariguzzi
13.63 km

The luthier workshops in Cremona

  • Art & Culture
The luthier workshops in Cremona
13.63 km

Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari

  • Art & Culture
Pietra tombale di A. Stradivari
13.78 km

Palazzo Silva Persichelli

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Silva Persichelli
13.78 km

Violin Craftmanship Cremona

  • Unesco Sites
Violin Craftmanship Cremona
13.87 km

Ponchielli Theatre

  • Art & Culture
Ponchielli Theatre
13.89 km

Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli

  • Art & Culture
Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli
13.9 km

Parco al Po

The Po Park creates a filter between the city and the naturalistic area of ​​the Po river and its banks.
  • Parks
Parco al Po
13.95 km