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Artist’s giant benches

The hunt is on. Discover six of the brightly coloured, supersized Big Benches by Chris Bangle that are adding to the scenery in Lombardy.

Imagine a brightly-coloured giant bench at the top of a mountain, a great piece of art, design and craftsmanship, looking out onto a stunning panorama. Imagine being able to sit there, on your own or accompanied, admiring the view and making memories of this unique, special moment.


It’s not a surrealistic dream, but an art project that began in 2010, devised by US designer, Chris Bangle, who has become famous for his Big Bench project. 

To date, there are 379 all over the world and 63 currently being built as part of the Big Bench Community Project, a charity association founded by Chris Bangle and his wife to promote and make the most of the different sites where they are located. You will find quite a few in Lombardy alone, where they have attracted the attention of genuine treasure hunters, who even have passports that can be purchased to collect the stamps of every bench they visit. 

From the valleys to the mountain peaks, through to the enchanting views over Lombardy’s lakes, these Big Benches are all to be found in locations that are perfect for a trip out in the fresh air. Let's take a look together.

Take me here: Artist’s giant benches

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