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Palazzo Mina Bolzesi

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Mina Bolzesi

The Horse Chestnut of Edolo

A remarkable specimen of horse chestnut tree flanks the very tall bell tower of the parish church of Edolo.
  • Active & Green
The Horse Chestnut of Edolo

Ville Ponti

An ancient residential complex owned by a Ponti’s family and now an efficient Congress Centre, property of Varese Chamber of Commerce.
  • Art & Culture
Ville Ponti

Teatro Nuovo

A few steps from the Duomo, a theater that captures the most important innovations in the panorama of national and international shows.
  • Art & Culture
Teatro Nuovo

Rotonda della Besana

If you want something unusual, visit the Rotonda di via Besana, a show of romantic and mysterious round shapes
  • Art & Culture
Rotonda della Besana, one of a kind monuments

Cathedral of Como

  • Religious Tourism
Cattedrale di Como

Village of gradella

A small ancient world of the Po Valley: painted houses, farmhouses and connecting courtyards surrounded by cultivated fields,
  • Villages

Monte San Giorgio

  • Unesco Sites
Monte San Giorgio