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In Varenna, discover the shortest river of Italy and visit its source surrounded by nature.
  • Active & Green
Fiumelatte Varenna

The Route of Olive Trees

A walk on the wild trails between Lecco and Bellagio
  • Active & Green
onno bellagio

Orrido di Bellano

The strength of the nature sculpts the rocks
  • Active & Green
orrido bellano lago como

Sanctuary of Beata Vergine del Monte Carmelo

  • Religious Tourism
Sanctuary of Beata Vergine del Monte Carmelo

Church of san paolo in imbersago

  • Religious Tourism
Church of San Paolo in Imbersago


  • Villages

Church of San Giorgio

  • Art & Culture
Chiesa di San Giorgio Varenna

The free access beaches on the Eastern Branches on Lake Como

  • Lakes
spiaggia ramo lecco lago como