Casa per Ferie Collegio Universitario


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The Ginkgo Biloba in the Estensi Gardens

  • Art & Culture
The Ginkgo Biloba in the Estensi Gardens
626 mt

The Plane Tree of Villa Mirabello

  • Art & Culture
The Plane Tree of Villa Mirabello
667 mt

The Cedar of Villa Mirabello

The majestic tree dominates the historic centre of Varese and leaves anyone standing under its imposing foliage speechless.
  • Art & Culture
The Cedar of Villa Mirabello
667 mt

The Gardens of Palazzo Estense

  • Active & Green
The Gardens of Palazzo Estense
673 mt

Estense Gardens, Villa Mirabello and Civic Archaeological Museum

  • Art & Culture
Estense Gardens, Villa Mirabello and Civic Archaeological Museum
674 mt

Palazzo Estense

  • Art & Culture
Palazzo Estense
714 mt

Campo dei Fiori Regional Park

  • Itinerari
Campo dei Fiori Regional Park
821 mt


  • Lifestyle
872 mt

Ancient mills and rural structures

  • Art & Culture
Ancient mills and rural structures
872 mt

Waterfalls | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau

  • Active & Green
Waterfalls | Varese Convention & Visitors Bureau
872 mt

Arco Mera and Basilica of San Vittore

  • Art & Culture
View of the ceiling of Arco Mera with some zodiac signs and the dome of the Basilica of San Vittore in Varese
923 mt

Varese: the old town

  • Lifestyle
Varese: the old town
923 mt

Cloister of S. Antonino

One of the most historic places in the centre of Varese, known for the spring blossoming of azalee.
  • Art & Culture
Chiostro di Sant'Antonino - Varese
936 mt

Villa Torelli Mylius

  • Parks
Villa Torelli Mylius
989 mt

Basilica di San Vittore

Entering the historical core, walking through the streets of the center you'll be enchanted by the vision of the Basilica
  • Religious Tourism
Basilica di San Vittore, Churches of Varese
995 mt

Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza

Villa Menafolio Litta Panza (VA) is a Mecca for art lovers and tourist who come to visit the contemporary art exhibitions it hosts.
  • Art & Culture
Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza
1.34 km

Ville Ponti

An ancient residential complex owned by a Ponti’s family and now an efficient Congress Centre, property of Varese Chamber of Commerce.
  • Art & Culture
Ville Ponti
1.41 km

Panza Art Collection

  • Art & Culture
Panza Art Collection
1.41 km

The Beech of Masnago Castle

With its purple leaves and size, the large red beech embellishes the atmospheric Mantegazza Park.
  • Art & Culture
The Beech of Masnago Castle
1.43 km

Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

  • Art & Culture
Masnago Castle and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
1.58 km