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    • Active & Green

Cycling from Lodi to Senna Lodigiana

On two wheels from Lodi to Senna Lodigiana. A cycle path for enjoying the natural and architectural beauties of the region. Hop on your cycle and follow our tips!


The province of Lodi offers many surprises for cycling enthusiasts. In fact, the Lodi region is rich in fascinating routes to pleasantly discover on two wheels.
Along the approximately 45 km from Lodi to Senna Lodigiana (which is part of the Via Francigena in Lombardy), you'll pedal nearby the Po River. There you can't help but stop along the way to admire the truly amazing landscapes.

Lodigano cycling routes
If cycling is your favourite means of transportation, and you’re a fan of year-round cycling tourism, Lodigiano offers a true paradise. It's a region that harmoniously combines the beauty of the verdant landscape with a vast artistic and gastronomic heritage. (As you know, you need to quash your appetite after strenuous physical activity). This enormous flat region is criss-crossed by numerous waterways that maintain its biodiversity.

Lodi and its developed cycle network
The network of cycle paths in the Province of Lodi extends for about 250 km, creating a truly “integrated cycling system”. This network is also in perfect synergy with other modes of transport and the cycle paths in neighbouring provinces.

One of the network's routes is the Lodi Periurban Ring Road, which traces the tow paths along the Muzza Canal. We are talking about a particularly well-equipped and signposted route that crosses Lodi's surrounding periurban agricultural areas and boasts several rest stops. We recommend you stop in the Belgiardino Natural Area and its lush forest. This is a special zone within the South Adda Natural Park.

From Lodi to Senna Lodigiana: what to see along the way
Once you reach the Muzza River, you can continue along its embankment. This route also takes you through fields and unbeaten paths that remain to be discovered. After passing Brembio and Zorlesco, stop to admire the Art Nouveau façade of Villa Biancardi, which also has finely decorated windows and a high tower capped by an elegant lookout. You can then continue pedalling south to the Monticchio oasis, a nature reserve with herons and egrets. The picturesque flowering poplars there create a poetic atmosphere. Their white pollen covers the entire reserve, making you feel as if you are cycling through a snowy landscape.

Senna Lodigiana and the Via Francigena
After a few kilometers, you'll reach Senna Lodigiana, the final destination on your tour. This area is an integral part of the Via Francigena, the road religious pilgrims travelled from Canterbury to Rome. Here you can visit the Renaissance era church of Santa Maria in Galilee and recharge before returning to Lodi.

Route Information

Departure: Lodi
Destination: Senna Lodigiana
Duration: 6 h
Change in Elevation: approximately 250 m
Distance: approximately 49 km

Asphalt: 70%
Dirt: 30%

Difficulty: Very easy
Views: Pleasant

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