• Active & Green
    • Mountains

Snowshoe walking in Prato Valentino: Anello Verdomana

START: Prato Valentino - Baita del Sole (1684 m)



TIME: 2.30 h

LENGHT: 5 km 


It's a brief and easy ring track, good for beginners, which is not so far from the other snowshoeing in Prato Valentino: Anello Dosso Lau.
The path twists and turns through the woods all around Verdomana lodges.

Make sure your equipping is ok and check weather forecasts before snowshoeing.
Always follow the path and respect the environment.

Other links

Ciaspolata Dosso Laù
Take me here: Snowshoe walking in Prato Valentino: Anello Verdomana

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