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The Last Supper

The Last Supper is the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci. A Unesco Heritage site along the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan
  • Unesco Sites
The Last Supper

Sant'Ambrogio Basilica

One of the symbols of the city of Milan, is dedicated to its patron saint, whose feast is celebrated every year on December 7th
  • Religious Tourism
Sant'Ambrogio Basilica, a monumental landmark

Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia

Una storia al femminile
  • Art & Culture
Villa Burba Medici Cornaggia vista dall'alto

Columns of San Lorenzo

A space in the city where time seems to have stopped: just beyond the Porta Ticinese, one of the most evocative views of Milan
  • Art & Culture
Colums of San Lorenzo

Darsena di Milano

As well as being the city’s port, in the past the Darsena was also a highly important water junction.
  • Navigli

Vicolo dei Lavandai

The Vicolo dei Lavandai is an enchanting place where, with a bit of imagination, you can step back in time.
  • Art & Culture
Vicolo dei Lavandai

Sforza Castle

Social life in Milan has always revolved around the Sforza Castle, a symbol of the city’s renowned industriousness and its love of beauty
  • Art & Culture
Castello Sforzesco, Milano


  • Art & Culture
@inlombardia - Triennale di Milano